
祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 导航




The whole world's nicer,brighter,too,because of thougntfulpeople like you.Happy Birthday!

Thank you for your helping my dreams,my life,my future ,Happy Birthday,sir!

Your kindness couldn't be appreciated more...Thank you very much on your auspicious birthday!

Your thougntfulnell meant a lot .Thank you ,sir.

To Parents

There's happiness in wishing you the jous of a beautiful day and hoping life's most wonderful things will always come your way!

Year by year ,Father ,you mean more and more to those who love you.

Just "Happy Birthday",Dad,isn't much to say,yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes,too,for happiness on your birthday and always,all year through.

Only wishes that are made with special love will do for a mother who is wonderful in every way as you!

I know I keep you busy ,but you keep me busy,too.While you're busy taking care of me ,I'm busy loving you .Have a wonderful birthday!

Happy birthday to the best mom a son has ever had!

To Friends

Happy happy birthday chum.There'll be many many more to come!

Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday!

May this your tweentieth birthday be another milestone in a long happy life!

May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happiness unfloding like the petal of a rose .Have a wonderful birthday!

It's good to have one day a year which just belongs to you ,so take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.

Happybirthday ,friend of mine .On this your apecial day ,may gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your may.

May good and kind and loving things be some of the joys your birthday brings.

Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called " a special friend"and that's how think of you and why hope your birthday is




1、It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.。


3、From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.。


5、When I think of you the miles between us disappear.。


7、英文生日祝福语-生日祝福短信英文版是各类范文频道下深受用户喜爱的软件,太平洋下载中心提供英文生日祝福语-生日祝福短信英文版官方下载。 友情。

8、You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.。

9、A friend is a loving companion at all times.。





Dear, happy birthday, I hope we can always be happy, I love you.


Happy tomorrow than today, happy every day!


May every days sun bring you not only light, but also happiness. Happy birthday to you sincerely!


When love comes, everything is happy. From then on, life is no longer pure. Happy birthday to my dear!


You build a warm world for us with love. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband!


Happy birthday, I will always love you!


Because you have received my best wishes, I believe you will have a very happy day today!


Love you as before, happiness and health!


May your winter be warm and your spring not cold. May you have lights in the dark, umbrellas in the rain, and loved ones along the way.


Wish you a delicious and energetic birthday, my husband!


Happy birthday, dear, wish you happiness every day, good luck every year, and happiness all your life!


Where there are trees, there are my thoughts; where you are, there are my deep blessings. Happy birthday to you!


Since then, thousands of rivers and mountains have accompanied each other day and night.


Branches of brilliant candlelight, happy birthday. Lucky you, tomorrow will be better!


I want to hold your hand, from heart to heart.


Tomorrow is your birthday. Happy birthday to you and everything you want to achieve. May our love be sweet and happy forever.


Ill accompany you on every birthday in the future!


Pick a snowflake, string the wishes into a white tree, dedicate a bright heart flower for your birthday.


May this day be yours to bring you happiness, and may the days ahead be more beautiful!


Say aloud: I will love you forever.


Things change and stars move, will not stay for us, only you and my love, always hidden in the depths of my heart, I wish you a happy birthday!


Happy birthday to my husband. My wife will always love you.


Time is not old, we do not leave, love you.


When I look at you, the world is warm.


Happy birthday, love you forever!


May my blessings flow in your eyes like a ray of brilliant sunshine. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to my husband, happy and healthy, rising every day, add to the icing on the cake!


Happy every day, happy every day!


Happy Birthday, the gift I have prepared is my heart.


Acquaintance with Junchu is like the return of a deceased person.


Love you not for two or three days, love you more every day, dear, happy birthday!



1、在我们结交的朋友中,只有一、二人堪称“知已”。 我正是这样看你。你事无巨细都表现出温馨的友谊,为此我祝你生日幸福无比!

2、只有用挚爱绢成的祝福的话, 才能献给像您那样慈爱的爸!

3、My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know. Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year.。

4、I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.。


6、We may grow old together, but as long as we are together, I feel young.。

7、我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸 福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境!

8、My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you. When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness.。

9、愿您在生日和平日,天天都沉浸在爱和欢乐里, 因为您让身边亲人,个个生活在这样的幸福里。 祝您生日快乐无比!



1、A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you. May you seek all the best that the world has to give. May you never stop learning for as long as you live.。

2、A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year.。



5、为了你每天在我心中的地位, 为了你带给我生活中的玫瑰, 也为了我们之间的爱和回忆, 我祝愿你生日幸福,欢天喜地!


7、Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.。

8、Wishing you —— glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness,to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday!


10、Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.。


1、On your special day and every day, may love and joy surround you, because you bring such happiness to everyone around you. Have a wonderful birthday!


3、My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent.。

4、愿你一年到头都有—— 充满友谊的欢欣日子,充满愉快的明朗日子,充满幸福的温馨日子!祝你度过一个美妙的生日!

5、年年生日来而复去,留下永久的快乐回忆。愿今天的每时每刻都充满明媚,似阳光普照鲜花 绽放!

6、May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today. Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!



9、Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called a special friend and thats how I think of you. You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways, That’s why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.。

10、Birthday comes and birthday goes each year, and this leaves the happy memories for ever. May this special day brightens each hour like sunshine that cheers every flower.。



2、I rejoice with you andwish you a long and happy meaningful life.。

3、A gift of love for your birthday, which my birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.。



6、It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one. May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!

7、Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.。

8、Only wishes that are made with special love will do for a dad who is wonderful in every way as you.。




1、Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!

2、A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart. Happiness for your birthday and always.。

3、For all you mean to me each day, For all the happiness you bring my way, For the love we share and the memories, too, I'm hoping your birthday is happy for you.。


致自己的简单英文生日祝福语 【荐】



1.不是每天都能过生日,希望我今天生日快乐,愿你年年岁岁幸福永伴!It's not every day that I can celebrate my birthday. I hope I have a happy birthday today. I wish you happiness every year.

2.愿以后的生活如星辰一样努力闪光,潇洒而快乐。May the rest of your life be as bright and pleasant as the stars.

3.敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。祝自己生日快乐!those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light. happy birthday to myself!

4.生日快乐祝自己!希望自己越来越好!所有的理想如约而至!Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All ideals come as promised!

5.今天的风很大 吹来了我的22岁。It was a windy day, and it blew my 22-year-old.

6.自己生日自己嗨,自己Happy自己拍。Hi my birthday, Happy himself.

7.愿你一生努力,一生被爱。每天都是阳光万里,都有鲜花怒放。may you work hard all your life and be loved all your life. every day is sunshine, there are flowers in full bloom.

8.愿每天的太阳带给我光明的同时,也带给我快乐。真心祝自己生日快乐!May the sun everyday bring me not only light but also happiness. Happy birthday to you!

9.愿我在生日的日子里,充满绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻。May My birthday be filled with green dreams and golden dreams.

10.平安喜乐,岁岁无忧,祝自己生日快乐!happy birthday to you!

11.人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。祝亲爱的自己,生日快乐!Between the world and the world of life, if a foal crosses the gap, suddenly. Happy birthday to my dear self!

12.祝我自己生日快乐! 我希望我会越来越好! 所有的理想都会实现的!Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All idealscome as promised!

13.生日快乐,祝今天过得愉快!Happy birthday, have a nice day!

14.我想祝你和我一辈子生日快乐。I want to wish you and me a happy birthday all my life.

15.没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。祝自己生日快乐!No torrent is no courage, no mountain is no climbing. Happy birthday to myself!


16.一个属于自己的日子,属于妈妈的日子,快乐,又心痛。A day of my own, a day of my mother, happy and heartbreaking.

17.希望往后的日子里,眼里是阳光,笑里是坦荡。感谢相遇,感谢陪伴,跟自己说一声生日快乐。In the days to come, I hope the Sun will shine in my eyes and the magnanimity in my smile. Thank you for meeting me, thank you for my company, and say Happy Birthday to yourself.

18.既然是生日,那就对自己说说话吧,顺便也让老天来听听。since it's your birthday, talk to yourself and let god listen.

19.要洒脱要酷,要不负野心,生日愿望,健康,暴瘦,暴富!Be Cool, be ambitious, be happy, be healthy, be thin, be rich!

20.对过去你遗憾的事情笑一笑,今天停下来和自己说声生日快乐。Smile at the things you regret in the past, stop today and say Happy Birthday to yourself.

21.明天是我的生日,好高兴啊,给点鲜花鼓励一下吧,谢谢!tomorrow is my birthday, so happy, give some flowers to encourage it, thank you!

22.亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。Dear self, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, this has nothing to do with character.

23.时间是让人猝不及防的东西终究又长大了一岁。Time is an unexpected thing, after all, has grown a year.

24.希望我下个生日,会有一个爱我并我爱的男朋友。I hope my next birthday will have a boyfriend who loves me and I love.

25.在这个特殊的日子,祝愿生活越来越美好,让美丽潇洒永远相伴。On this special day, I wish life more and more beautiful, so that beautiful and unrestrained always accompany.

26.学会爱自己宠自己,把更多的机会留给自己。Learn to love yourself and spoil yourself, leaving more opportunities for yourself.

27.热烈祝贺我的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿我的生活永远美丽!Warm congratulations on my birthday! May all your plans come true, and may my life be beautiful forever!

28.自己生日自己嗨,自己Happy自己拍。Own Birthday oneself hi, oneself happy oneself clap.

29.给昨天的自己补上一句生日快乐!默默许个愿!Add a happy birthday to yourself yesterday! Make a wish!

30.生日快乐,永远健康,美丽动人!Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful!


Wishing you ——

glad days filled with friendliness,

bright days filled with cheer,

warm days filled with happiness

to last throughout the year!

Have a wonderful brithday1






Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,

May each hour be a happy one on this special day.

Have a happy birthday!





Every day is birthday time when thinking of you,

and I shall keep one sublime

hoping your many dreams come true.




The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.

Happy Birthday!




Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called "a special friend" and that’s how I think of you.

You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,

That’s why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.






Happy birthday to a wonderful person!


Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!12下一页


Wishing you ——

glad days filled with friendliness,

bright days filled with cheer,

warm days filled with happiness

to last throughout the year!

Have a wonderful brithday1






Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,

May each hour be a happy one on this special day.

Have a happy birthday!





Every day is birthday time when thinking of you,

and I shall keep one sublime

hoping your many dreams come true.




The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.

Happy Birthday!




Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called "a special friend" and that’s how I think of you.

You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,

That’s why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.






Happy birthday to a wonderful person!


Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!


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