
祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 导航




1、The house which stands on the top of the hill was built last month .


3、Last week I bought a car,whose price is reasonable .

4、We are living in an age ______________________________(我们生活在一个很多事情需要用电脑来做的时代)。

5、He that travels far knows much.行万里者,见多识广.

6、I’ve got a whole summer memories。

7、The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see。你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

8、Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,_______,of course,made the others envy him .

9、He,who knows nothing but pretends to know everything,is indeed a good-for-nothing.不懂装懂,永世饭桶.


11、He’s got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane .

12、Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period.天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

13、Love leaves a memory that no one can steal,but sometimes it leaves a heartache that no one can heal。

14、who waitfor time losetime.

15、Is there anything that you don’t understand?

16、Love is my religion.-I could die for it. ~John Keats

17、Which is the bag that you lost .?

18、He that gains time gains all things.谁赢得时间,谁就赢得一切.

19、He who nothing questions,nothing learns.什么也不问的人什么也学不到.

20、All know that the only constant in the world are always changing.这个世界在变,唯一不变的是一直在变。

21、This magazine belongs to the teacher who teaches us history.


22、His mother,who loves him very much,is strict with him.

23、If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the spirit.—— Oprah Winfrey

24、当定语从句中含有介词,介词放在句末时,who,whom, that,which可省略,但介词在关系代词前时,只能用“介词+which/whom”结构。例如:


26、When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead. -Barney Stinson

27、and when you are gone, i will destroeverything you ever loved.

28、Women _______drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _______don’t.

29、like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear、 we are so important to some, but we are just passing through.

30、I’ll never forget the day when I joined the League .

31、Carol said the work would be done by October.__________________________,(我对此十分怀疑)。


33、He is the very person that the police are looking for.

34、Don't make me wait for you just because you know I will.

35、Is this the key which you are looking for.?

36、a bocan do everythingfor girl.

37、There isn't a setback and comes with a smile, but there are some setbacks can be conquered in a smile.-----没有一种挫折是伴着微笑而来的,但有一些挫折却可以在微笑中被征服。

38、Only the best can follow one's inclinations. This is the best state of life. 只有随遇而安,才能随心所欲。这是最好的人生状态。

39、Every night before bed, listen to you say good night, belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness 每晚睡前,听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。

40、My doctor told me to live where the air is fresh .

41、Those who are against the plan put up your hands please.

42、Opportunity & luck always shows appreciation for those who are bold in struggling.机遇和幸运总是垂青勇于奋斗的


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