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I have a lovely bedroom. there is a bed in my bedroom. there is a desk near my bed. there is a pink doll on my bed.

I sleep with it every night. there is a big window in my bedroom. the yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. there are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much.

Do you like reading? You can borrow the books from me if you like?

My bedroom is so nice. I like it.

I have a small room. It is very nice. There is a bed in the room. I have a schoolbag.

It's green. There are some books and a pencilbox in the schoolbag. I have a ball. It is under a chair. I also have a desk. The chair is near the desk. There are some nice pictures on the wall.I like my room.

Hi, my name is Victor. Look, this is my bedroom.


It's small but nice. I have a big bed and it is very soft and comfortable. There is a lovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother. I have a small desk and I usually do my homework there. In the corner, there is a shelf. There are a lot of books on it. There is also a closet. All my clothes are in it.


I often clean my room, so it is very tidy.



我的卧室边长4米,周长16米。它的门高200厘米,宽79厘米,周长558厘米。卧室中间摆着我的床,床长2米,宽15分米。床的左面是长2米、宽19分米的大衣柜。床的右面是扇窗,窗长120厘米 ,宽52厘米。靠窗的地方放着我的写字台,长10分米,宽5分米,高75厘米。写字台上面挂着一个长60毫米、宽40毫米的喜羊羊挂件,它可是我亲手做的,用了90分钟。


我的左床头柜上有一个精致的四面钟,旋转它的四个面,能分别实现万年历、闹铃、倒计时、温度4个功能。万年历日期为公历20xx——20xx共100年的年、月、日和星期。闹铃的时间我定为6: 00。倒计时设置最长为99分59秒。今天我的卧室摄氏温度是25,华氏温度是77F。



我的房子长4米,宽3米,虽然不大, 但是十分漂亮,刚跨入我的卧室,你就会看见非常漂亮的卷帘,上面有一个采蘑菇的小姑娘,看,她正背着她的筐子采蘑菇呢,接下来,你就会看见我的写字台,它全是蓝色的,上面,还有一个放东西的小台子,它可帮了我大忙呢!记得那个星期天,家里突然停电了,正好那时,我正在写作业,我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转,于是我摸索着向客厅走去,突然我摸到了蜡烛和打火机我喜出望外,当我又回到卧室时,我遇到了一个难题,把蜡烛点那呀,我望到了小台子,于是我把蜡烛点到了小台子上,又开始写作业了。桌子上还放着台灯,台灯的形状是小猫,它的肚子上还有一个表,表“嗒嗒、嗒嗒”的响着,时刻提醒着我要珍惜时间。




Look, this is my bedroom。 It’s not very big。 But it’s beautiful and clean。 In the middle of my bedroom, there is a bed。 There is a teddy bear and some hair clips on it。 Beside the bed, there is a desk。 Its colour is brown。 There are many things on the desk, some pens, a Walkman, a light and many stickers。 Oh, there is a chair beside the desk, desk, too。 On the right of the desk, there is a bookcase。 It’s big and tall。 There are lots of books in the bookcase。 They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books。

Can you see two pictures on the wall? This one is a map of China, the other is a poster of SHE。 Near the pictures, there is a clock, it’s my birthday present。 It’s blue and white。 It’s very beautiful。

After class, I often do my homework and listen to music in the bedroom。 There isn’t a TV in my bedroom。 But I have many good friends。 They are books。

I like books very much and I like my bedroom。



Hi, my name is Victor. Look, this is my bedroom.


It's small but nice. I have a big bed and it is very soft and comfortable. There is a lovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother. I have a small desk and I usually do my homework there. In the corner, there is a shelf. There are a lot of books on it. There is also a closet. All my clothes are in it.


I often clean my room, so it is very tidy.



I have a lovely bedroom. It is small but clean and beautiful. The wall is light green and the floor is white. There is a bed in my bedroom, it is really comfortable. I sleep with it every night. And there is a small sofa near my bed, I always read books on it. There is also a desk in my room, I do my homework on it every evening. Near the desk, there is a shelf. There are many books on the shelf. You can borrow books from me if you like reading.

My bedroom is so good that I like it very much.




This is my bed room. There are two windows in it. Near the window there are some red flowers. A map of China is on the wall. You can see four shoes and a basketball under my bed. There are trousers and a coat on the bed. Many schoolbooks are on my desk. And there are three lights in my bedroom. One is on my desk, and the other two are near my bed.



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