
祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 导航



1、- On your special day, may you be surrounded by good friends, laughter, and endless blessings. Happy Birthday!


3、Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon.


5、- Another year older, another year wiser. May this year bring you more happiness and success. Happy Birthday!

6、For all you mean to me each day,For all the happiness you bring my way,For the love we share and the memories, too,Im hoping your birthday is happy for you.

7、with love to my wife,i'm grateful for the special love you show in different ways--love that gives a special touch to ordinary days,love that's always filled our home with beauty, warmth and cheer--i'm grateful for the special love you give to me all year

8、Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing olderonly means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday! 回首以往,我们渐渐认识到,是这些众多的生日使我们宽厚仁爱,更增智慧,年龄的增长使 心境愈趋宁静。祝生日快乐! 快乐!



11、join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.

12、Birthday comes and birthday goes each year, and this leaves the happy memories for ever. May this special day brightens each hour like sunshine that cheers every flower. 年年生日来而复去,留下永久的快乐回忆。愿今天的每时每刻都充满明媚,似阳光普照鲜花 绽放!

13、hope your birthday is very enjoyable, enough ice cream to eat and fun to play.

14、wish you more beautiful than flowers, happy birthday!

15、genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.


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