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英文毕业生求职信 篇1

Dear leaders:


Thank you for your busy schedule to visit my cover letter, i was the development of jilin agricultural university, institute of financial management 04 fresh graduates, known as long song.

I am a student from rural areas, rural areas历炼makes me realize that many of unimaginable hardship, at the same time my character prudent, practical work, i believe that this life i will have an enormous influence over the development.

University, i have a special focus on the accumulation of expertise, there are pragmatic basis of professional and independent efforts to develop their own abilities and positive attitude, which i have access to professional scholarship 2nd class, professional third-class scholarship at a school 2nd level of outstanding members, the hospital grade 1 outstanding members; and jilin province has adopted the accounting test / examination of their qualification certificate; also, such as obtaining a driver's license. four years i have been learning as a squad leader, bedroom long, curriculum design team leader, secretary and other job-graduates, all exercise of my ability, organization and coordination ability, communication skills.

My expertise: familiar with the accounting policies and regulations, and to the use of skilled, familiar with the industrial enterprises accounting (cost accounting), management accounting, intermediate financial accounting, etc., and can well use.

Just as a student out of the ivory tower, my lack of experience or allow you to hesitate, but ask you to believe that my energy and efforts to "fill thee" this is a temporary shortage, perhaps i am not the best, but i am absolutely the most effort. i am confident, i am persistent, i can set the paid work i have a good performance.

I very much hope to join your company, give play to my potential, i enclose curriculum vitae and, if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful!



英文毕业生求职信 篇2

** respected company leaders:


thank you for your busy schedule to review my site applications.

into the school year, i insist that hard to learn, through the accumulation of three years, and had as a student should master the basic knowledge of theoretical and professional knowledge.

in schools, the emphasis on coordination and cooperation exercise their ability to actively participate in the enthusiasm of the group activities in schools and access to a number of honorary titles. at the same time, i also use after school hours to strengthen the practice of their ability to enrich their school life, and hard.

as the heaven revolves, gentlemen, when self-improvement. i am sure i will be a good step by step walk better! but i also understand their own ordinariness, know that they need in all areas to further improve. perhaps your companys job-seekers in i am not the best, but i believe their overall strength, but also believe that your eye. i hope you can give me a platform to show their own. i care about more than just the number of pay and, more importantly, was at work in the end how much dignity as a human being.

university road. i sincerely hope to test you in detail, i would like to consider, i am with your co-development and excellence, creating brilliant!

my past is for the development of your company prepared for savings;

i am the future of your company is to struggle, hard work and dedication.



毕业生英文求职信 篇5

Ms. Gao:

I was referred to you by Mr.Gao, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.

I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136XXXXXXXto arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.


英文毕业生求职信 篇3







英文毕业生求职信 篇4


Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


Gu Bin

英文毕业生求职信 篇5

Dear leaders:

First of all, thank you for an ordinary graduates for taking the time to read the cover letter!

I do not have university qualifications, nor is it what Dr. Masters, in the school during the评优not winning more, but I have my own love and pursuit. In addition to complete their studies, I also read books and participate in social practice, their confidence, passion for life, request your company for giving me an opportunity, let me prove that my performance ability, and with my unique ability to create benefits due.

I graduated from the Shandong Institute of Business and College English Majors, results in general, Japanese do not highlight the results, but they can speak English fluently and those who speak Japanese as well as communication. School, I majored in journalism, since that achieved excellent results, once planned to apply for the Graduate, Renmin University of China, and will very firm, but the end for family reasons and has no choice but to give up. In addition, I have been self-study economics, sociology and law, a wide range of interest, are covered. University during my spare time mostly spent in the library, in particular, often go to newspapers and periodicals reading room, with a variety of newspapers, reviews and features like.

I love writing, three hours wrote a 150,000 word novel - "纸团destiny", but due to lack of funds, failure to publication. To enter university, the campus is doing during a press, but also wrote a large number of communications and information. Certainly, there are a number of novels, essays and poetry, scattered on my blog.

Sophomore year, I also have been set up called the "old tree" magazine, readers, there has been quite a good reputation. During this period, regardless of editing or engage in business, I have accumulated a lot of experience, it is also my firm belief that the newspaper industry into the future.

Holidays, I have been with the students participated in social surveys, and write a report every time; I did advertising salesman, managers often deal with the boss; lobbied for sponsorship, cultural and recreational activities have been planned; made tabloid press; been engaged in a propaganda.

I hope your company can not accept me, in my dedication and efforts, and work together for a better tomorrow to write a brilliant poem.



英文毕业生求职信 篇6


您好!感谢您给我这次难得的机遇,请你,以平和的心态 来看完这封求职信,由于时间仓促,准备难免有不足和纰漏之处,请予以谅解!

我叫黄--,就读于--职业技术学院,毕业于---专业,入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过二年的积 累,拥有了作为一名学生应该掌握的理论基础知识 和专业知识。

在学校期间,注重锻炼自己的协调合作能力, 积极热情的参加学校的团体活动,并获得了一些荣誉称号。同时我也利用课余时间加强对自己实践能力的培养,来充实自己的课余生活,吃苦耐劳。

首先,我想表明一下个人的工作态度。也可能是阅 历的浅薄吧。一直到现在我都固执地认为:我的工作 就是一种学习的过程,能够在工作中不断地汲取知 识。当然,钱很重要,不过对我来说,充实而快乐的感 觉就是最大的满足了!

如果非要推销自己的话,我想个人的生活经历让 自己考虑问题更细致一些。第一,从十六岁开始,一直 独自一人在校生活,自理能力不成问题。第二,在中专 期间,让我更加有一种紧迫感,危机感。第三,课外的 活动,让我有了一种为人处的经验,。真的很感谢 这两种经历,无论从哪方面来说,锻炼价值都是相当 大的。在工作中,一直是以中专生的学识,中专生的姿 态来要求自己,做到了三心,即细心,耐心,恒心;二意, 即诚意,真意。

当然,自己也并不是具备什么压倒性的优势,甚至 从某种程度来说,优势即是劣势,我深信我会一步一 个脚印走的更好!但我也明白自己的平凡,知道自 己在各方面还需要进一步提高。或许在贵公司的求 职者中我不是最优秀的,但我相信自己的综合实 力,更相信您的慧眼。希望贵公司能给我一个展现 自己的平台。我所在乎的不仅仅是薪酬的多少,更 重要的是在工作中到底获得了多少作为一个人的尊 严。可不管怎么说,只要兴趣所在,心志所向,我想这 些都是完全可以克服的。


最后,恭祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上,祝您工作顺利! 恳切盼望您详考、谨虑,使我与贵公司共同发展, 求至善、创辉煌!

我是--学院 系04级的一名学生,经过大专三年的学习和锻炼,我将于明年7月完成大专学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。

两年多来,在校领导和老师的引导下,我努力学好专业知识,训练专业技能,专业水平每一年都有明显提高,大二时以良好的'成绩通过了 四级 ,并将于明年年初参加六级 。在基本能够运用 自如地进行听、说、读、写的基础上,我涉猎了语言学、英美文学和英美概况,调整知识结构的同时,扩充了视野,在此基础上,我还掌握了计算机的操作能熟练的运用Microsoft Word, E-cel, Powerpoint,熟悉互联网运用,这样就更加完善了自己。



英文毕业生求职信 篇7





英文毕业生求职信 篇8

英文版Respect your advertisement officer:How do you do!Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance redundancy pull reading my cover letter. The sails, depend on you the east wind power! Im XXmunication collegemunication engineering fresh graduates weeks XX. Will face the employment choice, I think of your unit is priesthood. Hope and the expensive unit colleagues work together, a total of Yang to sail, create the brilliant career."The blunt whetstone, the plum flower no sweet without sweat." After four years of professional study and the life of university discipline, when they entered the innocent, naive I has now become calm and cool. In order to based on social, for their own career success, four years I keep studying hard, both basic course, or professional class, have achieved good results. During the university won two college second-class scholarship, speech contest and the third prize of outstanding students. English to the national level 4 level, theputer the level 3, and at the same time in after school, I also note constantly expanding knowledge, use after school time taught himself the basic operation of theputer, familiar with the Windows ope rating system, able to skillfully use OFFICE software OFFICE automation.During the period of school in addition to finish my course, I also use holiday for the local primary school children obligation to class, the part-time is all the work as soon as possible in order to contact the society, exercises oneself, for future to the after faster.Ten years of cold window study hard, now I have full confidence, lofty sentiments. Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, and the perfectbination of opportunity. Also, a unit of the honor of the need to carry her carrier--the selfless dedication. I urgepany to give me a chance, let me to become a member of the you, I will be one hundred times as much enthusiasm and diligent work to return your autobiography.I am a love life of girl, sincere and the richest sense is my character, and actively serious responsible is my working attitude and rigorous style, and work dependably, the determination to obey thepany discipline, loyal to thepany, is I topanysmitment. No matter what kind of environment can quickly adapt to, it is greatly improve the work efficiency of me. I think that work in the most important is the team cooperation spirit, I believe I can do the best.

英文毕业生求职信 篇9


shanghai foreign service co., ltd

406 maoming mansion, 580 maoming rd(s)

luwan district, shanghai XX1

dear mr. director,

i am currently working on master degree in international commercial law at fu dan university. my supervisor mr. liu mingyu, a well-know professor of law, tells me that sfsc specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that i contact you for recommendation.

during the two years of studies at fu dan university, i have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -english and japanese. moreover, i have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after china‘s entry to wto. and they have been favorably accepted.

i am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and professor liu‘s letter of recommendation.

i sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which i will dedicate myself.

truly yours,

fu jialin


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