
祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 导航


My heartiest wishes to my beloved family on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival!~~你对类似的句子感兴趣吗?也许下面的“超简短端午节英语祝福语”正合你意!请收藏并分享给你的朋友们吧!

1、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring us all the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle that comes our way as a family!

2、May the Dragon Boat Festival fill my family's home with peace, love, and joy, today and always!289a.cOM

3、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the family I cherish with all my heart!

4、May this auspicious day of Dragon Boat Festival bring all the good things in life for your family!

5、Wishing my dear family members a very happy and blessed Dragon Boat Festival filled with love, peace, and happiness.

6、May this Dragon Boat Festival be a special time for you and your family to create unforgettable memories!

7、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to cherish family and friends, may your family be filled with love and joy.

8、Wishing my wonderful family members a very happy Dragon Boat Festival, may you enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.

9、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring lots of happiness and prosperity to your family!

10、Sending my deepest love and blessings to my lovely family on this auspicious day!

11、Sending you my warmest wishes for a joyous and memorable Dragon Boat Festival with your loved ones.

12、May the Dragon Boat Festival brings love and laughter to my dear family members, wishing you a great holiday season filled with wonderful memories.

13、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring us the courage to tackle any challenges as a family and emerge victorious always!

14、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring your family closer together and fill your hearts with warmth, happiness, and good cheer!

15、May the beauty of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you and your family closer together in harmony and love.

16、May the colors and buzz of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your family with happiness, good health, and prosperity!

17、On this special day, wishing you and your family blessings, happiness, and unity this Dragon Boat Festival.

18、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you and your family an abundance of love, joy, and peace.

19、May your homes be filled with the warmth of love and laughter as you share in the festivities of the Dragon Boat Festival.

20、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring joyful moments and special memories that bring your family closer together!

21、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you and your family members good luck, happiness, and prosperity. Happy holidays!

22、I wish my family a very happy Dragon Boat Festival filled with joy, laughter and delicious food!

23、Wishing my amazing family members a great Dragon Boat Festival filled with lots of fun, laughter, and happy moments.

24、May the joyous spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival fill your hearts and homes with love, laughter, and happiness!

25、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to my dear family members, may the festival brings you lots of joy, happiness, and great memories.

26、My heartiest wishes to my beloved family on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival!


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